目前分類:塑膠製品 (9)
- Nov 28 Wed 2012 17:03
- Jun 26 Tue 2012 05:40
曼珠沙華(彼岸花)音樂圖文動畫欣賞曼珠沙華(彼岸花)音樂圖文動畫欣賞 網路動畫整理上傳分享 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Jun 26 Tue 2012 05:00
精緻花束 flash 動圖 - ( 祝你幸福 )
精緻花束 flash 動圖 - ( 祝你幸福 )精緻花束 flash 動圖 - ( 祝你幸福 ) 背景歌曲:祝你幸福 - 網路動畫整理上傳分享 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Jun 26 Tue 2012 04:55
給懂得珍惜的人 - 鋼琴動畫圖文欣賞
給懂得珍惜的人 - 鋼琴動畫圖文欣賞給懂得珍惜的人 - 鋼琴動畫圖文欣賞 網路動畫整理上傳分享 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Apr 12 Thu 2012 22:44
- Mar 23 Fri 2012 21:54
New York Food Trip - Bao Haus, Cannoli, NJ - Stromboli, Breakfast紐約美食之旅 - 卦包,脆卷\
New York Food Trip - Bao Haus, Cannoli, NJ - Stromboli, Breakfast紐約美食之旅 - 卦包,脆卷, 紐澤西 - 美式包,早餐Well...I said I was totally full and cannot think of putting any food in my stomach anymore. Theresa said that there is a Taiwanese bun store. The owner is Taiwanese. Since it is Taiwanese owned store, I have to support it. The store is pretty tiny. It is in a basement. In the store, there are pictures of the owner when he was growing up in Taiwan. Here is the famous Bao. There is pork with celantro top with peanut sauce. Theresa ordered fried bao with seaseme sauce. Both are so good. Then they said that we have to go to this cannoli place...I think my face turned slightly green when I heard there is more food to eat. But then you see all these delicious flavor cannoli, you kind of forget the stomach pain. Well, as usual, xiao-pang demonstrates that his stomach is an endless pit. After driving back from NY and we let our stomach rest a little, then we headed to this restaurant called Stuff Yer Face in a University Town. They are famous for their stromboliI feel a little bit (just a little bit) out of place because it is all college students. We sat outside with all the college kids. I think P and T could still fool the waitress, but xiao-pang and I are a stretch. When A man got his beer, everything is fine now. When T and P told us the stromboli here is excellent, I have to admit that I have some doubts. How good could this be when it is most college students come here? But then after I had my first bite, OH MAMA MIA...it is incredible. There is just enough bread that wraps all the goodie in there. I got Chipotle pork which is to die for. Those darn college kids are so lucky!!!Look at xiao-pang, he is eating like there is no tomorrow!!! (Well, I think he was eating like that the whole day, there is no stopping him now. )Last day T and P brought us to this NJ diner for breakfast before we hit the road. Everybody is half asleep. Look how cute Theresa is. It is hard to imagine her as a mom. I got salmon omlete...which is kind of interesting. I don't know why I wanted to eat fish wrapped in eggs. But anyway, it is not too bad. Again, how could you look so excited after yesterday's bingie eating?We will miss you guys! Even Phil did not look at the camera, but we know he is feeling sad because we are leaving...Two things we found in NJ that are interesting. First, they use solar system on the street light pole. Second, you don't pump your own gas in NJ, people do it for you! Oh, YA! I feel like a QUEEN!.
- Jan 30 Mon 2012 08:53
香草鬆餅 材料: 奧勒崗(1g) 百里香(1g) 高筋麵粉(175g) 低筋麵粉(175g) 鮮奶(55g) 牛油(370g) 細砂糖(300g) 蛋(6隻) 泡打粉(8g) 造法: 大碗中加入奶油與細砂糖,以攪拌器打至乳白色 後,再加入雞蛋拌勻。跟著依次序加入高筋麵粉、 低筋麵粉、 泡打粉、鮮奶、奧勒崗及百里香,攪拌 均勻後,倒入己經?了油的模中,放入焗爐以200℃ 約焗30分鐘,即成美味的香草鬆餅了﹗ .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Oct 30 Sun 2011 01:05
2010賞花燈 人擠人...到處都在拍照...沒人在賞燈....好幾年沒看了..發現..多麼好玩或特別的地方..只要有一堆人群..就整個變難玩了..今年的老虎主燈..個人認為..某個角度像老鼠...^^覺得特別的是天空會有星星.音符.花朵..等圖案的泡棉..在飄呀飄..因為這個沒看過..蠻創新的..很夢幻^^.
- Oct 27 Thu 2011 04:53
現下就做著名畫家柯羅, 為一位年輕畫家指出了這位年輕人作品需要改進的地方, “謝謝您,”年輕畫家說,“明天我就將它全部修改。” 柯羅激動的說︰ “為什麼是明天,要是你今晚就死了呢?” ──你也許會滯留原地,但時間絕對不會。 (You may delay, but time will not) ──法蘭克林 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .